Educational materials
Here you can find materials for working 4 key topics connected to Global Citizenship and Sustainable Development:
Download what you need!
- (Eco)feminisms
- Child exploitation
- Concern(s)
- Conflict management
- Diversity
- Eco-social Conflicts
- Environmental Defence
- Food
- Gender stereotypes
- Geopolitical conflicts
- Health
- Inclusive communication
- Interculturality
- Intersectionality
- Media and Social Media
- Migration and Shelter
- Prevention of misogynist violence
- Racism and Prejudices
- Responsible consumption
- Rights and duties
- SDGs
- Social exclusion
- Social participation and volunteering
- Solidarity-based Economy
- Spirituality
- Sustainable human development
- Welcoming and cohabitation
- Women's Rights
- Learn to learn and think
- Learn to communicate
- Learn to live together
- Learn to develop as a person
- Learn to do and undertake
- Learn to live responsibly
- Scientific competence
- Cultural and artistic competence
- Competence in learning to learn
- Competence in autonomy and personal initiative
- Competence in information processing and digital competence
- Spiritual competence
- Linguistic competence
- Mathematical competence
- Social and citizen competence
11 Results
Women in defense of their rights
Let’s become volunteers
Moliba Makazi
We can change our history
Building new paths with words
Another world is possible
Betting slip for participation