A uniform world. A diverse world.
Activity extracted from:
45 minutes
Includes english version
The person who leads the group proposes the students to describe and imagine what a planet, or a specific territory where the uniformity consignment is a priority issue, would be like. They must describe how they would eat, dress, the language spoken, who would manage it, the priority production, the currency used, etc. Then, a proposal is made to imagine and describe a planet or specific territory where the slogan is the following one: “Let’s join capacities. For an inclusive education”. Finally, conclusions will be written in a cardboard and some questions will be answered.
- 1 - Social and citizen competence
Necessary material
1.- Cardboards.
2.- Markers.
3.- Definitions.
4.- Questions.
2.- Markers.
3.- Definitions.
4.- Questions.
Material to download
Card 2.6.pdf
Incluye versión en inglés