Activity extracted from:
2 x 50 minute sessions
Includes english version

It is proposed to analyze the origins of Greek democracy working with the aid of Appendix 1. After analyzing the situation, the students are encouraged to question the validity of this model of democracy compared to the present day.
After this first approach to the concept of democracy, we present several milestones that can be considered revolutions (Appendix 2). For this, the class is divided into groups to work and think about it.
Once the information search and reflection stage is finished, several members of the teams swap to explain the respective cases to the rest of classmates.
- 1 - Competence in information processing and digital competence
- 2 - Linguistic competence
- 3 - Social and citizen competence
Necessary material
* Activity appendices
Material to download
Card 3.1.pdf
Card 3.2.pdf
Ficha 3.3.pdf
Incluye versión en inglés