I’m falling
Activity extracted from:
10 minutes
Includes english version

We ask them to walk around the room. From time to time, when we give a signal establishing visual contact with them, one of the girls or boys will say: “I’m falling!” and will drop to the floor. The rest of the group must react quickly and move closer in order to prevent him/her from falling and hurting himself/herself. When the person has been “rescued”, the game will continue until the next signal is made, repeating the formula and generating an ambience of union and group confidence.
- 1 - Social and citizen competence
Necessary material
1.- Open space (better with carpets and pillows).
2.- Book exercise: Games that unite 2. Trust and frankness during the initial stage for a group (on loan from ALBOAN’s "resource centre":
2.- Book exercise: Games that unite 2. Trust and frankness during the initial stage for a group (on loan from ALBOAN’s "resource centre":
Material to download
Card 0.2.pdf
Incluye versión en inglés